- Using our free Pirate Maker app, create a robot that relates to the contest theme (“Spring Time is Allergy Season”)
- If you don’t already have the app, or if you need some help using it, CLICK HERE
- Submit the app to our contest
- Be sure to give your pirate a name with the prefix “W02” added to the robot’s name; this is how we will know you want to enter it into the contest. For example, a robot name of “Jolly Roger” should be changed to “W02Jolly Roger” or “W02 – Jolly Roger”.
- When you’re ready, tap on “Publish Online–>Make Public” to submit your new pirate for review
- To qualify, your robot must have been submitted via the “Make Public” option of the Pirate Maker app
- Deadline for submissions is midnight 04/18/2022.
- Winners will be announced on our website within a couple of days after the contest deadline.
- Winners will also be contacted directly via the email associated with their subscription
- the pirate/robot’s ability to engage and retain telemarketer’s in conversations
- the pirate/robot’s ability to generate entertaining and interesting recordings
- whether or not the pirate/robot demonstrates new ideas and/or techniques for engaging telemarketers in conversations

Getting Started
- For a quick demo, click on this video (“Make Your Own Pirate in 5 Minutes”)
- But the best way to learn is to watch the demo tutorials: CLICK HERE