Using Your New Pirate
First of all, thanks so much for trying out our Maker application!
If you have just submitted your Pirate for public use, then we are currently in the process of reviewing it. Please give us a day or two to work through our process. We will contact you via email as soon as we have some feedback for you. If you have any questions for us about this process, please check out our help page for maker: Help for the Pirate Maker App , or send us an email at
If you have just submitted your Pirate for private use (i.e. you are just using your new pirate yourself), then you probably want your robot to start answering your calls. So you now need to assign your robot to your phone line. To accomplish this, login to our website, and change the settings for your phone line to pick your own robot. If you need some help, here’s a quick tutorial on how to pick pirates: Tutorial: How to Choose a Pirate (or make your own Crew!)
Thanks again and have fun with your new creation!