How many phone lines would you like us to protect?
(Not sure? You can add more to your account at any time!)
For just $23.88 per year ($1.99 a month), you get all of these features:
When your Home Phone rings, we screen the call for you!
“Simultaneous Ring” is a feature that most phone companies offer for home phones. It lets you tell your phone company to always ring BOTH your phone AND a Jolly Roger robot. So when someone calls you, we see the callerID and screen the call for you. Scammers get sent to robots, and your friends and family get to our friendly “Pirate Voicemail” answering machine.
Now you can use your Home Phone, even when you’re NOT HOME!
With the help of our FREE Captain’s Log app (Help for Captain’s Log App), you can use your home phone even when you’re out doing errands, or traveling in another country. The app will tell you when you are receiving a call and even let you join in and listen-live, or redirect the call to a robot. Want more info on this super-helpful exclusive Jolly Roger feature? Click Here
Customize your own “Whitelist” and “Blacklist” for our voicemail to screens your calls
The best way to use our service with a mobile phone is to set it up as your voicemail. Then, when someone calls, if you don’t recognize the callerID, just let the call roll-over to voicemail and our robots will answer and take a message from real callers, but waste the time of telemarketers. You can record your own greetings just like regular voicemail, and you can upload your phone contacts to your whitelist and add unwanted callers to your blacklist with the tap of a button!
FREE Captain’s Log app