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If so, then we have made a few important changes!

If you are new to Jolly Roger

Hopefully you are here because you are interested in using Jolly Roger bots to talk to your telemarketers. There are several ways to connect your telemarketers with the bots, explained in this FAQ.

Some old links, posts, and interviews mention three lines for $6/year. Unfortunately, that price (about 17 cents per month per line) was unsustainable. As we have discovered, the continued development and advancement of our bots, as well as some of the critical pieces (web hosting, telephony services, transaction fees, speech recognition, etc) far exceeds 17 cents. To simplify it, we are now charging $1.59 cents per month per line, billed annually. When you sign up, the first 30 days are free. Hopefully you’ll stick with us! We also have a video with a quick introduction to signing up.

If you are an existing Jolly Roger Subscriber

Thank you for sailing the seas with us this far! We have been listening to your feedback for the last two years and have built a new Pirate Porthole for you to manage your numbers, call log, Whitelists, and Blacklists. We have a video to introduce you to the new site! Or, if you are ready to dive in now, just click “Login” or “My Account” at the top right, and the “Forgot Password” button. Type in the email address you use for Jolly Roger Telephone and we will send you a password reset link.

Thank you everyone for your support!


If you have been following the amazing journey of the Jolly Roger Telephone Service, then you know this has been a very personal labor of love for a small dedicated crew to protect you and the telephone network from unsolicited outbound telemarketing. We could not have done this without you! Thank you!