First off, thank you to what I call my “shake down crew” for signing up for the Jolly Roger Telephone service! Please join us in stopping unsolicited telemarketing. Visit to sign up – only $6/year lets you use these bots to torment all the telemarketers you want. And you’ll get a recording of each call emailed to you.

So this particular call is actually two calls in one. This is your typical “Windows Support” scammer that will take over your computer, copy your files, and/or install ransomware on your computer. This is a very dangerous scam, and these guys know they’re bad guys. So it’s funny to hear this caller get a little intimate with this female bot. He was just rounding first base when the call dropped. I’m not sure if it was his side or mine, but he called back and hit a different bot. I won’t spoil it here – please listen.

So with no effort on anyone’s part, a Jolly Roger bot kept this guy busy for about 15 minutes (if you count the delay between calls). That’s a big chunk of his day where he cannot scam someone else. Let’s use these bots to waste as much scammer time as we can. When they eventually figure out they get to a bot every time they call, they’ll realize it’s in their best interest to stop calling you. Strangely enough, sometimes they cannot stop calling. But that’s fun too.

Anyway, please enjoy this call and sign up for the service at! Keep the comments rolling in on Facebook, YouTube, the blog link on the web site, or email at roger at

Thank you!
