Hello all!

You have probably heard these “Air Duct” telemarketers. If not, you are very lucky. For some reason Canada is a magnet for this scam, so our sympathies go out to the Great White North.

Anyway, this particular telemarketer sound extremely nice. And it just so happens that this robot, Ox-Gut McGee, asks a little about Punk Rock and then talks about missed career opportunities. All of this sparks a conversation about Rock & Roll and this telemarketer’s dream of being a Rock Star. And, since the conversation is going so well, he was willing to answer some questions about call statistics. It turns out he makes about 500 calls per day at an average of 30 seconds or so each. I cannot imagine how horrible his job must be. He also seems to think he is working for a completely legitimate company – and he might be right. These “sales lead” call centers call thousands of numbers per hour and schedule air duct cleanings. Each scheduled cleaning results in some kind of payment from a local contractor. So if you want to make a couple bucks, you could hook up a funnel to a shop vac and hire these guys to fill your day with cleaning jobs. Never mind that it may generate hundreds of thousands of calls per day from this one call center. I could totally understand it if these telemarketers think they’re providing an honorable and valuable service. But I hate this industry.

Once you’ve listened to the call, maybe you’ll feel the same way I do. Even though I hate unsolicited telemarketing, I’d love to buy this guy a guitar. If anyone knows anyone who can find him, I think we should all chip in and help him with his music career!

Anyway, thanks for listening and I really appreciate all of you!