My Robot talks to Their Robot – Part 2

This is the same company in my Part 1 – sort of a robot-vs-soundboard where my robot did a great job. In this call, there is an interesting twist at the end. It’s fairly short and I won’t spoil it here. I learned a bit more about the dark world of...

This guy figures out he is talking to a robot

This does not happen very often. This caller eventually figures out he is talking to a robot. Sometimes my robot will malfunction and sometimes background noise will cause it to act funny, but it did okay this time. It kept this agent engaged for about seven minutes...

My robot listens to a solar pitch

This is one of my favorite calls. At the start of the call, my robot asks if this is a real person so it can determine if it’s a robocall or not. Unfortunately, I had a bug that caused it to ask her three times if she’s real. Fortunately, it didn’t...