Hopefully I’m reaching new people here. So to recap, I build robots to talk to telemarketers. If you are tired of telemarketers, you should send them to my bots.

So for this call, we have an “education specialist” calling to offer free help to search for a college in my area. Let’s assume it’s legitimate business. I guess the local colleges pay for leads? But how many people do you have to call before you find a household that needs help searching for a college? Again, if this is a legitimate business, they must be calling hundreds of thousands of numbers to find just a few customers.

So I think it’s more likely that it’s a scam. Especially because this guy is talking to an old man. How many old men are looking to go back to college? It’s obviously a waste of this guy’s time, but he keeps talking anyway. I get that I’m probable more skeptical than most, since I hear thousands of these calls. But no matter what, I think we can all agree that this guy and his business need to GET OFF THE TELEPHONE NETWORK. Since there’s no technical or regulatory way to do it, I encourage you all to use my bots to suck up their human resources.

This call is just for fun. Some of my calls are educational or shocking, but this call is so awkward as he spends almost eight minutes trying to get the bot to just spell its name. The bot, named “Whitey Whitebeard” does a great job re-engaging him over-and-over again. As with almost all of the calls into my service, the telemarketer never did realize it’s a robot. Well done, Whitey.

Anyway, please enjoy and, if you like this idea, spread the word. I can really use your help. Let’s get these telemarketers off the network. Also, most of these calls are illegal so I am working with some attorneys to sue the telemarketers when we figure out who they are. I need you to (1) sign up, (2) send me calls, and (3) report the violations.

And thanks for listening!
