NEW VERSION (v7) Now available!!!!

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  • #3968

    Hey Fellow Pirates!
    First of all thanks for everyone for sticking with us while we work out the bugs! And also a big thanks for answering our survey. I can quickly summarize the survey results by saying that many of you encountered reliablity/stability issues which got in the way of really using the app. Well this is good motivation for us to work harder, so we rolled up our sleeves and have produced a new version…version 7. Does this version fix all the problems of prior versions? We’re not sure because we don’t have debug logs from all your phones. But we do know we have squashed a couple of problems. We are still working on a big one though: handling the battery optimization mode. We will have a fix for that soon, but in the interim it is better to test with it turned off.

    So please update your app as soon as you can (either by auto-update, or by going to Google Play, finding the list of installed apps, and pressing the “Update” button).

    Thanks again for all your help!….Jolly Steve


    I’m still getting “Error0510”

    Have removed/re-installed … no changes.
    ..confirmed I’m running ver. 7 “Island”

    Google Pixel running Android 9 “Pie”


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by ssteagall.

    Thanks to Roger for the help!

    The error I was getting went away after adding my cell phones real number to my Jolly Roger account.

    Historically I’ve only had my Google Voice and a Landlines setup. (I was only screening those numbers)


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