This is an extremely satisfying call. If you don’t have time, just listen to the last 20 seconds right now!
Kim the Kraken is a fairly new robot. She is very convincing as a polite but distracted mom recovering from pneumonia. Actually, in this call we don’t discuss the pneumonia but the kids are sure distracting. But Kim is extremely polite and apologetic. It’s hard to get mad at her.
We start with one telemarketer, but she’s not getting anywhere with Kim so we get her supervisor. This supervisor doesn’t get anywhere either and then we hear the best “open mic” moment I have ever experienced. The supervisor doesn’t even bother to mute himself. It’s a short rant but VERY satisfying.
What is AWESOME is we learn a little bit about the “post wrap-up codes” at this company. And perhaps at companies like this one. Apparently the agent has a wrap-up code to “call again sometime” or “this person is messed up in the head – don’t ever call back”. Now, I don’t know if the agent’s input really affects this company’s auto-dialer or not. I assume they’ll just launch a new campaign someday with a refreshed list. But wouldn’t it be nice if they really did stop calling?
Anyway – please enjoy! And thanks for listening!
Very satisfying call.
Good to know you can be removed from some call lists.