by Roger | Sep 7, 2016 | Blog, JollyRogerTelephone
I know I’ve said this before, but this might be my favorite call so far. I build robots to talk to telemarketers and the calls are often funny, entertaining, or informative. But this one is different from the others. You must listen. This is a call from a...
by Roger | Aug 26, 2016 | Blog, JollyRogerTelephone
My telemarketing bot takes a call from a vacation scammer. You can use this bot too. When you get a telemarketer, just “add call” and join 206-259-4991. See my web site for more info! This is a typical “Vacation Package” scammer. I HATE THESE....
by Roger | Aug 18, 2016 | Blog, JollyRogerTelephone
Who is up for some SIP testing? The Jolly Roger Telephone bots are ready to accept your calls over SIP URIs. Some of you out there know what this means. If you’re interested in beta-testing this integration with me, please let me know via Facebook messenger or...
by Roger | Jul 26, 2016 | Blog, JollyRogerTelephone
Do you hate telemarketers? Do you feel powerless to do anything about it? Unsolicited telemarketing is annoying, but as you may know, it’s often illegal as well. In the United States, there are various laws designed to protect you such as the Telephone Consumer...
by Roger | Jul 23, 2016 | Blog, JollyRogerTelephone
I want you to hear this short call that I got on my mobile yesterday. It was a “local painting company” offering free estimates. I said “oh, you want to talk to the homeowner. He’s right here – hang on” and then I conferenced in...
by Roger | Jul 20, 2016 | Blog, JollyRogerTelephone
Unlike most of my calls, I left the company name in this one. For those of you new to my pages, I build robots that talk to telemarketers so they don’t have time to call you. I encourage you to sign up and send your unsolicited telemarketer calls to my bots!...
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