by Roger | Mar 7, 2017 | Blog, JollyRogerTelephone
Here is the maiden voyage of this “Windows User in Distress” bot. I have discovered it is more entertaining to “trickle” the calls into the fake Windows support centers so the agents engage for a long time with the bots. The plan is for me to...
by Roger | Feb 21, 2017 | Blog, JollyRogerTelephone
The FTC has cracked down on one company behind the “free cruise!” scam. I get a ton of these calls into my bots. What I find interesting here is the defendants made 12 to 15 MILLION illegal robocalls PER DAY between October 2011 and July 2012, and yet they...
by Roger | Feb 19, 2017 | Blog, JollyRogerTelephone
Thank you to Leo Laporte and the crew at for inviting me to The New Screen Savers for a second time! Here is my most recent appearance (on February 18th, 2017) where I discuss how I am attacking the Windows Support scammers by having robots call them hundreds...
by Roger | Feb 15, 2017 | Blog, JollyRogerTelephone
The FTC put a stop to a money transfer process between the US and India involving the “fake IRS”. The press release is here:...
by Roger | Feb 14, 2017 | Blog, JollyRogerTelephone
Here is a list of LIVE CALLS as they happen. I am hitting Windows Support today, February 14, 2017. You can listen to the calls here. Please report the good ones on Facebook! I’m using the number...
by Roger | Feb 9, 2017 | Blog, JollyRogerTelephone
Most telemarketer scams are from outbound calls (from the telemarketer to you), but some scams involve INBOUND calls where they convince the victim to call into them. There are so many heartbreaking stories about these scam victims that I’ve decided to use my...
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