by Roger | Jun 2, 2016 | Blog, JollyRogerTelephone
This is the first time I am posting a call from this bot. It’s a very specific bot designed to talk to “Nigerian Princes.” Of course, these are the guys in Africa who email everyone with stories about some huge amount of money in the bank and they...
by Roger | Jun 1, 2016 | Blog, JollyRogerTelephone
Help me fund more bots and provide more ways to combat unsolicited telemarketing and scammers! Sign up for my service at! This is not the “Windows Support” YouTube channel, but sometimes these are just too fun not to share –...
by Roger | May 28, 2016 | Blog, JollyRogerTelephone
As usual – THANK YOU to all my subscribers to the Jolly Roger Telephone service! If you are annoyed by telemarketers, you should sign up and turn them into entertainment. So imagine getting pollsters calling you over-and-over again. And right at the top of the...
by Roger | May 25, 2016 | Blog, JollyRogerTelephone
I just wanted to announce a new “Catch-of-the-Day” contest. As you can probably understand, there are way too many calls for me to review them all. So I have included a link in the post-call email (that my subscribers receive at the end of every call) to...
by Roger | May 19, 2016 | Blog, JollyRogerTelephone
THANK YOU to all the subscribers to my service. My bots are really enjoying the privilege of speaking with all your telemarketers. If you’re not a subscriber yet, please sign up. Only $6/year lets you add my bots to your telemarketer calls. At the end,...
by Roger | May 16, 2016 | Blog, JollyRogerTelephone
Okay, first off – thank you to my subscribers! Please pass the word along! I don’t have an advertising budget or a big marketing department. I’m relying on word-of-mouth in hopes to get the press interested again! Now to discuss this call, those of...
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